Getting Started


For now the only available versions are alphas. You can Instaled the las by:

$ git clone
$ cd anipy
$ python # Be sure using Python 3


I’ve tried to keep the developer interface as simple as possible.


Before you can access any Anilist resource you have to get authenticated. Once you have created a client you must configure auth.AuthenticationProvider class with your credentials.

Now you can get authenticated with any of the available grant types. Aditionaly, Anipy have a GrantType.refreshToken in case you have saved a refresh token from a previous authentication. Note that only code and pin authentication gives you a refresh token.

from anipy import AuthenticationProvider
from anipy import Authentication
from anipy import GrantType

AuthenticationProvider.config('your-client-id', 'your-client-secret', 'your-redirect-uri')

auth = Authentication.fromCredentials()
# or
auth = Authentication.fromCode('code')
# or
auth = Authentication.fromPin('pin')

# Now you can save the refresh token
refresh_token = auth.refreshToken

auth = Authentication.fromRefreshToken(refresh_token)

Authentication expires after one hour and will refresh automatically, nevertheless you can do it manually at any time, ie.:

if auth.isExpired:


Resources are one of the most important parts of the library. They are in charge of go an get the data from the Anilist API. Each domain class have a resource, you can compare them to Data Access Objects. All resouces are Singletons.

In order to keep things simple you can access the resource from class it serves

# Current logged user
user = User.resource().principal()
# A user for his Id or Display Name
user = User.resource().byId(3225)
user = User.resource().byDisplayName('demo')

Some resources are injected in other classes also in order to keep things simple (ie. AnimeListResource). So if you want to get de watching list of a user you can do:

# The long way
resource = AnimeListResource()
watching_list = resource.byUserId(
# Or the short way
watching_list = user.watching